Sunday, 13 April 2014

Facebook Hack

Hackers have purloined usernames and passwords for nearly 2 million accounts at Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo et al., consistent with a report free on.
The massive knowledge breach was a results of keylogging code maliciously put in on AN much variety of computers round the world, researchers at cybersecurity firm Trustwave aforesaid. The virus was capturing log-in credentials for key websites over the past month and causation those usernames and passwords to a server controlled by the hackers.
On Nov. 24, Trustwave researchers tracked  that server, situated within the Holland. they found compromised credentials for quite ninety three,000 websites, including:

318,000 Facebook (FB, Fortune 500) accounts
70,000 Gmail, Google+ and YouTube accounts
60,000 Yahoo (YHOO, Fortune 500) accounts
22,000 Twitter (TWTR) accounts
9,000 Odnoklassniki accounts (a Russian social network)
8,000 ADP (ADP, Fortune 500) accounts (ADP says it counted a pair of,400)
8,000 LinkedIn (LNKD)accounts

As is that the case with several services, there is perpetually an opportunity somebody will get your parole and log into your account. Luckily, Facebook encompasses a tool which will assist you monitor UN agency logs into your account. If you notice something suspicious, you must amendment your parole like a shot.

Here's you check to visualize if your Facebook page is secure.

Facebook Hack

You can hack facebook accounts here: